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"What turns life into a blessing is not to do what we like, but that we like what we do". GOETHE)
"Educate children and it will not be necessary to punish men" (Pitágoras)
"To arrive far it is necessary to go slowly" (Juan)
"What happens with Life is the same as with jokes: the important thing is not how long they last but that they give us laughter" (Anthony de Mello).
"Silence is the true language of souls" (Maeterlinck).
"A little money alleviates anxiety, a lot causes it" (Confucius)
"Where there is justice there is no poverty" (Confucius)
"Acts are prayers without words.... Good acts contain all philosophies, all ideologies, all religions...." (Vicente Ferrer)
"Good acts make us happy. Bad ones destroy us" (Vicente Ferrer).
"Acts unite men. Ideologies usually separate them" (Vicente Ferrer).
"The purpose of books is to inspire and to help man to understand and decipher his own heart". (Vicente Ferrer).
"In this life there is no person, thing or event which is useless" (Vicente Ferrer).
"God is the heart of the world" (Vicente Ferrer).
"The important thing is to do good" (Vicente Ferrer).
"Greed is to constantly live in poverty for fear of being poor" (San Bernardo).
"He who really knows what he is talking about, has no reason to raise his voice". (Leonardo da Vinci).
"He who knows the art of living with himself is never bored" (Erasmo de Rotterdam).
"There is no king who has not had a slave as one of his ancestors, nor a slave that has not had a king amongst his" (Helen Keller)
"Everything that it is not given, is lost" (indian proverb)
"Balance your necessities with your wealth and you will not be poor nor rich, but simply lucky" (Quilón de Lacedemonia)
"At the end of all our exploration we will end up where we started and we will see that place for the first time" (T.S.Eliot)
"Love and do what you want to do" (Ruth Bermeo y San Agustín)
"Love and friendship are the essence of life"
"Joy lies not in things but in the deepest part of our soul" (Santa Teresa de Lisieux)
"Looking for goodness in others we find it in ourselves" (PLATON)
"Even though I know that tomorrow I am going to die, I would still plant an apple tree today" (MARTIN LUTERO)
"True friendship is when silence between two people seems pleasant" (Erasmo de Rotterdam)
"The man who has committed an error and does not correct it commits another greater error" (Confucius)
"The greatest wisdom that exists is to know oneself" (Galileo Galilei)
"... it is only possible to see well with the heart. The essential is invisible to the eyes". (The Little Prince, de Antonio de Saint-Exupéry).
"A rose does not need to speak, it simply scatters its fragrance". (Gandhi)
"Do not say everything you know, but always try to know what you say" (Matthias Claudius).
"To be silent with friends is as important as to speak with them" (Henri Nouwen)
"Men make mistakes; crazy people persist in error" (Cicerón)
"It is hard when you fall, but it is worse still not to have tried to climb" (Teodore Roosevelt)
"If you do not live as you think, you will end up thinking as you live"
"The planet offers whatever man needs, but not whatever man craves" (Gandhi)
"What little noise makes true miracles" (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)
"Man is rich when he becomes familiar with shortage". (Epicuro de Samos)
"It is good to begin the day with a dose of tenderness and thus to perfume the day" (A. MAUROIS)
"The friend is our safe accomplice who embraces a secret, who softens anguish, who advises on decisions, and mainly, who cheers and comforts" (Séneca).153.
"The WAY OF SANTIAGO is a way towards one's inner self". (Eva)
"Where a great love exists, always miracles take place" (Willa Cather)
"There are many wonders in the world, but the masterpiece is the maternal heart" (BERSOT)
(This page was translated into English by Lynne. Thank you.)
"Lo que convierte la vida en una bendición no es hacer lo que nos gusta, sino que nos guste lo que hacemos" (GOETHE)
"No me resigno a que, cuando yo muera, siga el mundo como si yo no hubiera vivido" (Pedro Arrupe)
"El verdadero mérito es como un río. Cuanto más profundo es, menos ruído hace" (E.F. Halifax)
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